A tree growing with greenery leaves
In the deepest of a gloomy abyss
Surrounded with beautiful flies
Glowing the lifeless night.
A garden full of blossoming flowers
In the darkest of lonely hours
Circled by wondrous butterflies
Gleaming the frightful lives.
This is me
This is you.
A growing tree
A blooming flower.
The leaves that grows
Is me who grew
The flower that blooms
Is you who bloom.
My leaves grew because of you
Your flowers blossomed because of me.
The gloomy abyss became blissful
The lonely hour became cheerful.
Together, we make each other
Together, we complete each other
Without me, there is no you.
Without you, there is no me.
But as our time goes by,
Me and you also pass by.
It became me without you
It became you without me.
You laugh with others.
While I laugh at myself
You smiled at others
While I smiled at myself.
The leaves started to fall,
The flowers withered.
The gloomy abyss deepened,
The lonely hour darkened.
The tree became lifeless
The garden became hideous.
Deceived by the trust,
Fooled by the kindness.
But the tree became dreamy again
That was destroyed by the masked gentleness.
The leaves grew lively again
That was shattered by the masked tenderness.